2022 Building Electrification & EV Infrastructure Reach Code Program
Central Coast Community Energy (3CE) is committing to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions within its service area by developing forward-thinking building and transportation electrification reach codes. The reach codes program provides technical assistance to help cities and counties adopt and implement reach codes and offers stakeholder outreach support. Support includes answering technical questions, attending meetings, reach code customizations, reviewing staff presentations and reports, and developing implementation tools to help cities and counties enforce their reach codes.
If your city or county is interested in adopting a reach code, please see the model reach codes and resources for building electrification and electric vehicle infrastructure below. Please contact us if you are interested in adopting a reach code.
About Reach Codes

What are Reach Codes?
Every three years, cities and counties across the state can adopt local reach codes in line with the new Building Standards Code (Standards) or Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations. Cities and counties may adopt building codes more advanced than those required by the state, which are known as reach codes.
Reach codes aim to update local building codes concurrently with the state-required adoption of the 2022 Standards. The previous adoption cycle with new Standards took effect January 1, 2023. The next reach code adoption cycle, to coincide with the 2022 Title 24 Standards will go into effect January 1, 2026.
Model Reach Code Recommendations
The following building electrification reach code language is based on the anticipated Investor-Owned Utilities Codes and Standards Program?(IOU’s C&S) cost effectiveness studies. These studies will be listed under resources.
Building Electrification
Energy Performance Approach
(Source Energy Margin) Model Code
This model reach code was designed to mitigate legal risk by providing compliance pathways for all-electric and mixed-fuel buildings. The amendment is for Title 24 Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations, and can be used for Single Family, Multifamily, and Non-Residential New Construction buildings. It leverages a Design Rating, which is a carbon-based performance metric used to regulate energy performance. San Luis Obispo, San Jose, and Santa Cruz have adopted reach codes similar to this model code.
Existing Buildings
Electrification Ordinances
Existing Building Electrification is more complex, higher cost, and has more equitable deployment considerations than new construction electrification.
Please see below for sample ordinance language. A time of replacement model reach code will be posted in Spring 2024.
Electric Vehicle Infrastructure

This model code was designed to exceed the 2022 CALGreen Intervening Code updates that will go into effect on July 1, 2024. In addition, this code took into account the proposed 2025 CALGreen Code updates to help minimize the amount of reach code updates the jurisdiction will need to conduct in upcoming years.
Adoption Process
Reach Code Resources
Cost and Cost Effectiveness
Adoption Tools
Upcoming Events
Contact Us
Do you have questions or comments about the reach codes initiative? Fill out the contact form, and a member of our team will reach out to you.